Author citation profiles: Monash University. Monash Business School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Simon D. Angus417597.81% 4
Ayushi Bajaj35230% 4
Mita Bhattacharya166513891.63% 53
Arthur Donald Campbell5121421.39% 10
Giovanni Caggiano204718761.83% 110
Horag Choi9245863.78% 34
Zhijun Chen7142872.71% 19
Wenli Cheng7621844.66% 7
Chongwoo Choe15727064.85% 24
Ricardo Dahis3132712.9% 4
Ratbek Dzhumashev10393852.28% 21
Quoc-Anh Do157913635.87% 71
Qingyuan Du5111014.72% 8
Xiaodong Fan37490% 4
Nick Feltovich185412441.43% 49
Stefanie Fischer5111501.96% 16
Peter John Forsyth14646381.85% 13
Lionel Frost422511.92% 1
Lata Gangadharan2712622792.98% 84
philip j. grossman2910260871.09% 164
Moshe Hazan10269392.19% 44
Stephen Peter King17809901.3% 33
Jeffrey Thomas LaFrance17778864.94% 23
Claudio Labanca4101100% 9
Christian Matthew Leister45523.7% 26
Andreas Leibbrandt165813203.23% 82
Anke D. Leroux422799.2% 3
Gordon William Leslie510662.94% 6
Gary Bryan Magee5515412.9% 1
Kaveh Majlesi91611921.97% 149
Pushkar Maitra1811212024.15% 44
Vinod Mishra187611971.8% 66
Solmaz Moslehi6252055.96% 14
Vai-Lam Mui12257732.28% 24
Yew-Kwang Ng1922213982.78% 23
Jaai Parasnis528983.92% 4
Laura Puzzello5112030% 16
Ranjan Ray1917513995.15% 31
Paul Anton Raschky176816712.17% 98
Michelle Rendall9183913.93% 26
Guillaume F. Roger3153317.5% 2
Russell Smyth4338077842.61% 259
Christis Tombazos624823.53% 3
Chengsi Wang5181234.65% 8
Liang Choon Wang9403974.11% 18
Corey White7112573.02% 42
Erte Xiao164912293.91% 61
Siew Ling Yew9201685.08% 11
Yves Zenou5026081134.16% 253
Zhixiong Zeng5201148.8% 5
Xiaojian Zhao6331489.76% 9

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