Author citation profiles: University of Guelph. Gordon Lang School of Business and Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
J. Atsu Amegashie11484655.49% 22
Kurt Annen8191817.18% 8
Douglas Allen Lauriston Auld634782.5% 1
Gregory H. Bauer9154872.21% 34
Talat Genc9272726.85% 15
Nikola Gradojevic10432798.52% 11
Michael Hoy16797122.6% 17
Kris Inwood85720711.54% 5
Rene Kirkegaard9292895.25% 14
Stephen Kosempel7221239.56% 4
Xiaowen Lei33342.86% 17
Hong Li518798.14% 11
John R. Livernois11285050.39% 16
Alex S. Maynard9252953.28% 12
Ross R. McKitrick11584103.07% 11
Miana Plesca412637.35% 4
Asha Sadanand7223071.29% 7
Clive Southey4152500% 9
Thanasis Stengos2821838173.12% 95
Marion Steele37293.33% 1
Yiguo Sun10482517.72% 8
Henry Thille10242664.32% 9
Ilias Tsiakas10166811.73% 34

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team