Author citation profiles: University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa. Culverhouse College of Business

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Robert E Brooks5291002.91% 2
Traviss Cassidy49872.25% 9
James Peery Cover6255771.54% 14
Cary A. Deck1811313034.47% 56
Walter Enders3210446730.91% 108
Gregory E. Givens4148310.75% 4
Robert G. Hammond7251904.04% 17
Jonathan Daines Hall6172901.36% 32
Daniel J. Henderson197113413.8% 58
Paan Jindapon7181863.13% 12
Byung-Cheol Kim9214401.35% 29
Paul Pecorino13848004.31% 25
Michael K. Price186818632.87% 93
Laura Razzolini13484283.6% 15

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