Author citation profiles: University of Notre Dame. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ruediger Bachmann205925992.04% 129
Christiane Baumeister284542191.95% 263
Marinho Bertanha7111766.38% 9
Jeff E. Biddle124413010.54% 32
Kasey Buckles12239350.74% 55
Jeffrey Campbell166117912.77% 59
Robert Collinson571442.7% 14
Kirsten Leigh Cornelson35655.8% 13
Christopher J. Cronin6131125.08% 11
Jeffrey T. Denning11193632.94% 45
Taryn Dinkelman122010620.93% 48
Kirk B. Doran9165611.75% 37
Timothy Dunne225050700.69% 144
Eva Dziadula3161833.33% 2
william n. evans358655040.56% 152
A. Nilesh Fernando561020.97% 10
Chloe R. Gibbs35420% 3
Thomas A. Gresik12334963.88% 12
Daniel M. Hungerman163112881.6% 67
Lakshmi Iyer144117290.97% 96
Richard A. Jensen164514611.02% 36
Robert Christopher Johnson141927220.48% 194
Joseph P. Kaboski215526401.35% 132
Maciej H. Kotowski8241409.68% 8
Sarah Kroeger37310% 4
Santosh Kumar Gautam10352924.58% 5
Ethan M.J. Lieber8132472.37% 22
Nelson Mark306647730.87% 122
Evan Mast55671.47% 67
Heitor Sandes Pellegrina613894.3% 4
David Cameron Phillips9272874.33% 22
Michael J. Pries9115270.57% 29
Benjamin Wild Pugsley122310112.13% 53
Jane M. Ryngaert35860% 17
Eric Sims203730780.61% 205
Cesar Sosa-Padilla7203605.76% 25
Zachary Ronald Stangebye4101513.21% 18
James Xavier Sullivan184113871.84% 28
Patrick S. Turner36110% 2

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team