Author citation profiles: University of Queensland. School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
MOHAMMAD ALAUDDIN101014586.72% 11
Antonio Andrés Bellofatto38414.65% 4
Fernando Tavares Camacho3152510.71% 1
Begoña Domínguez3216110.29% 2
Peter E. Earl7683263.83% 8
Eric Eisenstat8173474.14% 28
Marco Faravelli8242923.63% 18
John Foster1913412625.54% 25
Lana Friesen13375133.39% 22
Brenda Gannon14504333.99% 19
Heiko Gerlach10232067.21% 8
Ozan Isler512645.88% 16
Kris Iyer412791.25% 7
Kenan KALAYCI6111612.42% 12
Mohamad A. Khaled394511.76% 4
Peyman Khezr5326229.55% 6
Ian King14697764.2% 24
Temesgen Kifle619733.95% 6
Priscilla Tien Yuek Man47535.36% 8
Ian A. MacKenzie9472949.54% 19
Renuka Mahadevan12756861.86% 28
Claudio Mezzetti18478641.48% 23
Flavio Menezes131326928.95% 21
Cameron K. Murray43110810% 10
Carlos Oyarzun3213221.95% 1
Lionel Page16677742.15% 38
Alicia N. Rambaldi8514623.35% 14
Christiern Daniel Rose315917.14% 11
Antonio Rosato5191198.46% 7
David Smerdon35170% 2
Rodney Strachan14498383.46% 33
Shino Takayama4264620.69% 2
Satoshi Tanaka381312.24% 14
Kam Ki Tang14916092.56% 23
Metin Uyanık4183822.45% 2
Valentin Zelenyuk18145127310.79% 57
Kimberly Zieschang8232581.9% 7
Daniel John Zizzo1911720114.65% 83

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team