Author citation profiles: Columbia University. School of Arts and Sciences

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Douglas Almond203848680.39% 173
Jushan Bai40101183880.35% 557
Michael Carlos Best8125450.73% 49
alessandra casella226213904.07% 38
Pierre Chiappori41116100110.76% 244
Graciela Chichilnisky1921417365.34% 36
Richard H. Clarida26116129000.26% 314
Christopher T. Conlon7102013.83% 13
Jonathan Ivan Dingel111416120.49% 124
Juan HerreƱo3101650% 15
Steven Wei Ho44410% 8
Navin Kartik174219490.46% 102
Sokbae (Simon) Lee238620444.53% 92
Rudy Loo-Kung562990% 37
Serena Ng43106155190.37% 484
Edmund S. Phelps2617851020.7% 79
Bernard SalaniƩ288626281.28% 75
Xavier Sala-i-Martin4474142210.34% 418
Wolfram Schlenker102417280.23% 90
Jose Scheinkman4492114280.4% 233
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe4081102660.98% 342
Joseph Stiglitz97606501480.46% 879
David Weinstein318181560.84% 233
Michael Woodford70195245110.62% 645
Weijie Zhong311330% 5

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team