Author citation profiles: Boston University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Gaurab Aryal8241626.9% 11
Samuel Bazzi204018831.88% 78
Seth Gordon Benzell7122801.06% 46
Joaquin Blaum6102052.84% 17
Peter B. Doeringer7241651.79% 3
Randall P. Ellis175717531.68% 44
Ivan Fernandez-Val245628672.28% 124
James J. Feigenbaum9233012.27% 27
Raymond Fisman4010984620.63% 338
Martin Fiszbein5141620.61% 20
Stefania Garetto8163093.74% 23
George Georgiadis33611.61% 61
Joshua Goodman184810782.88% 37
Adam Guren111413840.65% 57
Tarek Alexander Hassan174015882.7% 105
Masyhur A. Hilmy46790% 39
Jordi Jaumandreu142916661.13% 45
Hiroaki Kaido72222511.07% 14
Laurence Kotlikoff4527076072.14% 155
David Lagakos194516162.18% 76
Kevin Lang359848671.26% 121
Barton Lipman224018871.1% 55
Robert E.B. Lucas166524820.24% 55
Michael Manove9198450.24% 21
Benjamin Marx12294443.06% 40
Robert Andrew Margo2515422692.78% 54
Ching-to Albert Ma217217932.24% 47
Jianjun Miao298324643.83% 102
Jawwad Noor10273706.33% 16
Juan Matias Ortner8241816.7% 12
M. Daniele Paserman213622581.91% 86
Pierre Perron42156246730.65% 616
Zhongjun Qu152711911.49% 62
Phillip H. Ross44472.08% 15
Marc Rysman163917881.54% 81
Johannes F. Schmieder193422431.45% 140
Silvia Vannutelli561000% 20
Ingo Vogelsang177010873.63% 26
Andrew Weiss225478710.24% 253
Wesley Yin7134440.45% 55

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team