Author citation profiles: University of Birmingham. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay83917512.06% 9
Marco R. Barassi9203251.52% 14
Anindya Banerjee246940660.97% 123
Matthew A. Cole327142830.93% 152
Alessandro Di Nola310523.7% 5
Amalia Di Girolamo49950% 9
Robert J R Elliott3311733911.99% 113
Marco Ercolani7242631.13% 10
Aditya Goenka9403817.97% 11
Alessandra Guariglia248025101.8% 96
Maria Jesus Herrerias11275102.3% 63
Michael Henry6112860.35% 17
Pei Kuang5122272.99% 17
Zhihua Li35270% 4
Johannes Lohse9231448.28% 14
David James Maddison215816131.35% 39
Rebecca Louise McDonald46492% 6
Kaushik Mitra164014582.74% 60
Ceren Ozgen11205171.52% 24
Edward Pinchbeck512737.59% 7
William Pouliot5208411.58% 4
Peter Postl38543.57% 6
James Rockey7262243.03% 10
Frank Strobel10394743.85% 19
Oleksandr Talavera2113215574.65% 70

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team