Author citation profiles: Deutsche Bundesbank

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Puriya Abbassi10223782.33% 34
Kartik Anand9254231.63% 30
Nikolaus Bartzsch9211856.57% 10
Johannes Beutel341872.09% 18
Rainer Beckmann46476% 6
Tim Oliver Berg8294421.56% 44
Timo Bettendorf581390% 19
Sven Blank6141471.34% 9
Dominik Boddin34160% 1
Sebastian Breuer45850% 10
Sebastian Bredl410365.26% 2
Manuel Buchholz414786.02% 9
Johannes Bubeck361260% 25
Ulrike Busch35890% 6
Tobias Cagala49330% 3
André Ebner411710% 4
Sandra Eickmeier244118542.63% 92
Elisabeth Falck44430% 10
Falko Fecht12565767.1% 27
Christoph Fischer7182853.39% 12
Daniel Foos463300.3% 33
Daniel Fricke8193883.24% 32
Ivan Frankovic6197212.2% 9
Rainer Frey7221326.38% 6
Felix Geiger522941.05% 7
Sebastian Giesen7271019.01% 9
Yalin Gündüz72214110.19% 8
Stefan Goldbach62212413.89% 10
Matthias Greiff5279012.62% 6
Christian Gross48760% 12
Thomas Götz7101399.15% 15
Matthias Hartmann7161356.25% 10
Matthias Sebastian Hertweck7132184.39% 12
Johannes Hoffmann7128360.48% 49
Tom D. Holden6132764.83% 17
Oliver Hossfeld6111692.87% 15
Patrick Hürtgen5142292.97% 19
Kirstin Hubrich163010612.21% 40
Bjorn Imbierowicz7104120.72% 34
Axel JOCHEM, Sr.7341534.38% 5
Markus Jorra35842.33% 6
Johannes Kaiser46761.3% 12
Alexander Kadow35190% 1
Florian Kajuth311513.77% 3
Mark Kerssenfischer47973% 12
Makram Khalil3104511.76% 5
Thomas Kick12387783.59% 48
Martin Kliem9122032.87% 14
Michael Kleemann6271372.14% 11
Malte Knüppel8201905.47% 10
Thomas A. Knetsch7232902.36% 15
Georgi Kocharkov8166312.47% 63
Benedikt Mario Kolb310394.88% 2
Ulrich Krüger46521.89% 3
Jan Kuckuck47412.38% 3
Vivien Lewis8323486.2% 19
Philipp Lieberknecht5124314% 5
Alexander Lipponer11195151.72% 24
Axel Loeffler7151236.11% 11
Jochen Mankart6151132.59% 8
Natalya Martynova47930% 13
Christoph Memmel13425735.6% 30
Jan-Oliver Menz7211349.46% 7
Norbert Metiu7143390.88% 28
Dominik Menno45372.63% 4
Christoph Meinerding5176913.75% 4
Axel Möhlmann48580% 6
Henrike Michaelis39634.55% 5
Stéphane Moyen9234683.51% 22
Frieder Mokinski48770% 8
Arne J. Nagengast11193712.88% 23
Christian Offermanns6152493.49% 14
Kamil Pliszka36257.41% 4
Esteban Prieto11175812.35% 48
Marcus Pramor44501.96% 4
Peter Raupach6101752.78% 12
Magnus Reif8301906.86% 21
Oke Röhe6172092.34% 17
Stefan Ried39170% 4
Markus Roth35430% 5
Matthias Rottner35812.41% 40
Svetlana Rujin54311117.78% 11
Tobias Schmidt166011533.19% 52
Christian Schumacher183114321.51% 68
Patrick Schulte7232971.33% 27
Guido Schultefrankenfeld5101009.09% 7
Yves Stephan Schüler9234644.13% 35
Kirsten Schmidt46330% 5
Matthias Schön312289.68% 2
Franziska Schobert9233322.35% 15
Thomas Siemsen411325.88% 3
Ingrid Stein6101040.95% 6
Harald Edgar Stahl91713521.24% 75
Nikolai Stähler105336312.11% 20
Felix Strobel3113922% 4
Johannes Strobel417847.69% 9
Panagiota Tzamourani9184231.4% 17
Robert Unger47603.23% 10
Igor Vetlov8161701.16% 8
Ursula Vogel6122710.73% 20
Ulf von Kalckreuth12385882.49% 25
Mu-Chun Wang7111513.21% 10
Benjamin Weigert7352234.29% 10
Henning Weber6221426.58% 6
Daniel Werner515462.13% 3
Elisabeth Wieland4267414.94% 5

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