Author citation profiles: University of Arkansas. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
sunjin ahn35910% 2
Bruce L. Ahrendsen4626516.67% 1
Pedro A. Alviola, IV59950% 7
John Daniel Anderson8522494.6% 9
Subir Bairagi424584.92% 5
Bruce Dixon412293.33% 0
Alvaro Durand-Morat5447313.1% 4
Qiuqiong Huang9413133.69% 14
Nathan Paul Kemper312290% 2
Brandon R. McFadden6441804.26% 13
Andrew McKenzie9332991.32% 11
Lawton Lanier Nalley7872625.42% 11
Jennie Sheerin Popp7812642.58% 11
Michael Popp86717910.05% 6
Aaron Michael Shew522696.76% 9
Jada Thompson440561.75% 4

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