Author citation profiles: Università degli Studi di Milano. Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Metodi Quantitativi (DEMM)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Andrea Ariu7122368.53% 19
Vojtěch Bartoš6192711.09% 24
Andrea Bastianin10393585.29% 23
Mario Benassi4193000.99% 10
Massimiliano Bratti197911643.4% 38
Daniele Checchi2414028902.27% 80
Giovanna d'Adda11383653.18% 26
Edoardo Della Torre37160% 1
Francesca De Battisti37470% 4
Chiara Del Bo11473982.21% 22
Michele De Nadai581171.68% 14
Francesco Fasani142310612.66% 66
Antonio Filippin145310653.79% 50
Carlo V. Fiorio14607821.88% 41
Massimo Florio161999368.15% 27
Tommaso Frattini163419551.61% 122
Simona Gamba6221126.67% 10
Sara Giunti49533.64% 7
Fabrizio Iacone8311886% 6
Agne Kajackaite9216341.25% 57
Samantha Leorato310404.76% 2
Marco Leonardi154511852.39% 47
DANILO LIUZZI8151246.06% 17
Domenico Massaro11207062.62% 54
Giancarlo Manzi424614.69% 3
Agata Maida6174811.03% 22
Alessandro Missale152710330.86% 35
Valentina Morretta3101516.67% 2
Michele Santoni6321414.73% 4
Clemente Pignatti6171067.83% 10
Giovanni Puccetti11304762.86% 28
Anita Quas10232663.97% 19
Michela Rancan9212931.68% 29
Luca Rossini53010313.45% 11
Silvia Salini7252026.91% 13
Maddalena Sorrentino3181511.76% 1
Pedro Trivin314397.14% 3
Lorenzo Zirulia8462961.99% 15

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team