Author citation profiles: Centre de Recherche en Économie et Management (CREM)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Eric Avenel5211025.56% 5
Laurent BIRONNEAU325781.27% 3
Jean Bonnet88317615.38% 6
Aurélie Bonein520928% 6
Frédéric Chantreuil10252942.65% 14
Sébastien Courtin5135611.11% 9
Laurent Denant-Boèmont10485140.96% 19
Nicolas Drouhin5157217.24% 3
Romain ESPINOSA6251366.21% 22
Jean-Pascal Guironnet6331089.24% 6
Vincent Hovelaque5391450.68% 6
Hélène Le Forner371525% 3
Nicolas Le Pape7329811.71% 5
Isabelle Lebon76719615.15% 6
Olivier L'Haridon207012163.34% 55
Fabio Beniamino Losa313270% 2
Eric Malin525880% 3
Boniface Mbih3173817.39% 1
Fabien MOIZEAU7251394.79% 5
Noemí Navarro8241646.82% 8
Thierry Pénard91105842.5% 21
Gregory Ponthiere1414071921.08% 32
Tovonony Maherizo Razafindrabe6152402.83% 24
Maurice Salles6604981.78% 10
christophe tavera9611803.74% 5
Gervais Thenet526983.92% 3
Ziad Abderrahmane7291307.14% 5

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team