Author citation profiles: Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Centre d'Économie de la Sorbonne

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Anil Alpman34310% 3
Maria Bas134011432.39% 81
Remi Bazillier9512678.87% 13
Jean-Claude Berthélemy12779162.03% 21
Clement Bosquet14395004.94% 35
Lorenzo Cassi10312724.9% 15
Camille Chaserant4424410.2% 2
Lisa Chauvet155111082.46% 44
Jean-Bernard Chatelain119254018.8% 18
Vincent de Gardelle4323118.42% 1
Éric Defebvre3191814.29% 1
Laetitia Duval517826.82% 6
Nathalie ETCHART-VINCENT4132035.14% 18
François Facchini81422649.9% 8
Sarah Flèche12396413.03% 49
Elvire Guillaud8342254.66% 15
Olivier Guéant11414442.2% 29
Olena Havrylchyk13497582.32% 39
Johann Daniel Harnoss337280.14% 91
Rémy Herrera636510923.24% 3
Christos A. Ioannou5151591.24% 13
Dorian Jullien327267.14% 2
Morgane Laouenan8361545.52% 9
Mathilde Maurel1611511425.46% 38
Léa MARCHAL4203129.55% 3
Iuliana Matei415484% 2
Coralie Perez3834338.57% 1
Jacqueline Pradel7181911.04% 7
Pierre-Charles M. Pradier3403021.05% 1
Muriel Pucci451507.41% 1
Xiangyu Qu316422.33% 3
Thomas Renault9246351.7% 90
Muriel Roger11504862.8% 19
Josselin THUILLIEZ94319217.24% 12
Jean-Christophe Vergnaud10636523.55% 27

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team