Author citation profiles: Universiteit van Tilburg. School of Economics and Management

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jaap H. Abbring163418730.69% 78
Lieven Baele121617680.56% 160
jan boone217921072.5% 75
A.L.Bovenberg3511354641.34% 188
Pavel Cizek4451728.02% 6
Patricio Santiago Dalton7373199.12% 12
Marco Da Rin132813633.2% 61
Dick Den Hertog8534128.85% 17
John Einmahl1310566010.93% 16
Sylvester Eijffinger2826232354.57% 82
Hein Fleuren6231146.56% 4
Rik G. P. Frehen6101661.19% 12
Inge Geyskens10144940.2% 20
Johan Graafland16808564.89% 26
Ruud Hendrickx11424342.25% 18
Kuno Huisman11246102.09% 22
Philip Joos591350.74% 5
Tobias J. Klein10354627.41% 25
Jack P.C. Kleijnen16210117313.43% 20
Peter Kort2021317688.39% 45
Peter Kooreman195113281.04% 49
Gijs van de Kuilen172514451.37% 72
Ronald Mahieu11355943.26% 24
Lex Meijdam14826573.67% 17
Henk Norde11545574.46% 17
Guzmán Ourens510935.1% 6
Jan Potters269833132.18% 97
Jens Prüfer83021816.48% 12
Marieke Quant73114618.44% 6
Louis Raes5157111.25% 5
Luc Renneboog3416849075.4% 188
Martin Salm12255881.34% 42
David Schindler5121242.36% 13
Sjak Smulders249326102.17% 84
Renata Sotirov6269314.68% 5
Leo Strijbosch73212313.99% 5
Sigrid Suetens17397174.14% 28
Alexandros Theloudis473520.45% 5
Bas van Groezen8183411.16% 17
Boris van Leeuwen510935.1% 9
Ben Vollaard72510412.61% 4
Bas J.M. Werker11415862.82% 18

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