Author citation profiles: Bank of Israel

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Eyal Argov410919.9% 7
Jonathan Benchimol92619819.84% 13
Adi Brender102813131.43% 54
Itamar Caspi6141453.33% 14
Alex Ilek3152028.57% 1
Konstantin Kosenko37402.44% 2
Yuval Mazar3151611.11% 1
Sigal Ribon629959.52% 3
Irit Rozenshtrom35438.51% 3
Yossi Saadon410342.86% 2
Edith Sand6122320.43% 17
Ben Z. Schreiber417735.19% 2
Nimrod Segev37234.17% 5
Nadav Steinberg36260% 2
Shay Tsur3141913.64% 1
Yossi Yakhin510476% 2

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