Author citation profiles: Bank of England

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Tommaso Aquilante7102732.15% 22
Guillaume Arnould372510.71% 3
John Barrdear362700.37% 90
Alina Barnett7112630.38% 29
Sandra Batten563360.59% 14
Saleem Abubakr Bahaj11233193.63% 31
David Bholat6222294.98% 19
Tommaso Bighelli44283.45% 9
Kristina Bluwstein591741.69% 19
Andrew Peter Blake13646022.27% 18
Dario Bonciani5141148.8% 10
Philippe Bracke9142854.36% 25
Jonathan James Bridges8113891.77% 38
Robin Braun44695.48% 13
Philip Bunn12318842.32% 42
Stephen Burgess442090.48% 29
Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi15238022.55% 66
Matthieu Chavaz57933.13% 31
Rohan Michael Churm551406.04% 8
Giovanni Covi6231017.34% 9
Matthew Ian Corder38210% 3
Robert Czech5105411.48% 7
Francesca Diluiso8111874.1% 26
Fernando Eguren Martin7121243.88% 13
David Elliott68881.12% 8
Gerardo Ferrara614933.13% 11
Angus Keith Foulis591226.87% 13
William Barry Francis6122352.08% 23
Marco Galbiati681462.01% 20
Nicola Garbarino59753.85% 10
Benjamin Guin9231993.86% 18
Sinem Hacıoğlu Hoke7161752.78% 21
Arno Hantzsche7281142.56% 10
Alex Haberis68850% 7
Richard John Harrison13367902.95% 32
Marc Hinterschweiger6101173.31% 9
Robert Hills6101765.38% 22
Ida Hjortsoe5113113.12% 31
Glenn Hoggarth13217441.2% 37
Mark Joy7102600.38% 20
Andreas Joseph7121934.46% 19
Michael Joyce142011471.04% 37
Sudipto Karmakar6161248.82% 12
Iryna Kaminska9192284.6% 11
Tihana Škrinjarić4594112.77% 3
Michael Kumhof268132231.56% 134
Lien Laureys344914.04% 7
John Lewis10292834.07% 16
Simon P. Lloyd62411611.45% 16
Eleonora Mavroeidi551010% 14
Nick McLaren682191.35% 18
Jack Meaning7293222.13% 35
David Murphy414834.6% 5
Mette Nielsen441980.5% 49
Cian O'Neill45853.41% 17
Matthew Osborne571650.6% 9
Sophie Piton5111171.68% 9
Marco Pinchetti35190% 2
Galina Potjagailo5111640.61% 14
Alberto Polo34610% 7
Chiara Punzo37352.78% 5
Dennis Reinhardt13335915.29% 42
Matt Roberts-Sklar691611.83% 23
May Rostom6101342.9% 14
Rana Sajedi6112173.98% 27
Patrick Schneider44340% 17
Galen Sher39290% 2
Caspar Siegert591300% 21
Paolo Siciliani4172912.12% 1
Rhiannon Sowerbutts8174032.42% 36
Michael Straughan411517.27% 4
Misa Tanaka8214641.9% 23
Ryland Thomas10317661.92% 29
Belinda Tracey44810% 11
Arthur Edward Turrell9173131.26% 39
Arzu Uluc7131222.4% 12
Neeltje Van Horen203622911.16% 120
Nicholas Vause10202791.76% 13
Gavin Wallis10284084% 25
Matt James Waldron7132763.83% 18
Eryk Walczak34880% 29
Matthew David Willison7142732.15% 19
Ivan Yotzov3121623.81% 4

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team