Author citation profiles: Bureau d'Économie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jens Abildtrup8561926.8% 8
Arnaud Abad372815.15% 4
Francis Bismans425476% 1
Kene Boun My8301622.99% 6
Cécile Bourreau-Dubois5385710.94% 2
Marie Boltz38609.09% 8
marielle brunette86720017.01% 11
Thierry BURGER-HELMCHEN71162346.02% 11
Lesly Cassin39392.5% 6
Olivier Damette10804554.21% 23
David Desmarchelier72912917.31% 12
Jocelyn Donze4106312.5% 2
Pascale Duran-Vigneron3111070% 5
Serge Garcia11815103.77% 24
Blaise Gnimassoun62621110.97% 17
Agnès Gramain6351088.47% 4
Jenny Monheim Helstroffer3122122.22% 1
Jean-Alain Héraud452795.95% 1
Herrade Igersheim96520911.81% 10
Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE3819220% 4
Julien JACOB39214.55% 2
Bruno Jeandidier450479.62% 1
Julien Pénin10732895.86% 14
Eric Kamwa6429422.31% 8
Bertrand M. Koebel10303992.68% 15
Mathieu Lefebvre10875356.14% 28
Patrick Llerena179915582.26% 44
André Lorentz11303926.22% 18
Sébastien Massoni5251201.64% 8
Claire Montagné-Huck620962.04% 6
Luc Désiré OMGBA8212461.99% 20
Nathalie Picard13625628.17% 22
Romain Restout5211146.56% 8
Véronique Schaeffer430644.48% 3
Anne STENGER11484481.54% 18
Yamina Tadjeddine376318.82% 1
Tiết Tòng Tuyền313263.7% 6

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team