Author citation profiles: African Development Bank

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
John C. Anyanwu255820470.82% 85
El-hadj M. Bah9172402.44% 21
Amadou Boly10313702.89% 26
Eric Nazindigouba KERE6261356.25% 12
Yaya Koloma3162513.79% 1
Linguere Mously Mbaye7152032.87% 16
Carolin Kouyaté33537.02% 13
Hanan Morsy8212280.87% 17
Guy Blaise Ngassam Nkamleu7291916.37% 10
Babatunde Samson Omotosho3202822.22% 2
Adeleke Oluwole Salami7172990.66% 29
Abebe Shimeles15808981.54% 28
Andinet Woldemichael422691.43% 4

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